What are Spanish 'Go Verbs'? (2024)

What are Spanish 'Go Verbs'? (1)

October 21, 2022 by Michelle Margaret Fajkus Spanish Grammar 0 comments

Do you know what Spanish “go verbs” are? What about “yo-go” verbs?

These two terms actually mean the same thing—they refer to a category of irregular Spanish verbs. When conjugated in the present indicative, these verbs end in -go in the first person (yo) form.

For example:

Yo hago mi tarea. (hacer)
I do my homework.

Yo pongo mi cuaderno en el escritorio. (poner)
I put my notebook on the desk.

Tengo dos hermanas. (tener)
I have two sisters.

Keep reading to learn all about the “go verbs” and how to use them to speak about yourself in the present tense!

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  • 9 Most Common Go Verbs
  • 3 Categories of Go Verbs
  • Spanish Go Verbs Practice Quiz

9 Most Common Go Verbs

Even though it means “to go,” the Spanish verb ir is not a “go verb” because its first-person present-tense conjugation is voy.

Here are the 9 most common “go verbs” in Spanish, along with their English translation and first-person present-tense conjugation.

  • Decir – to say – digo
  • Hacer – to do, to make – hago
  • Poner – to put – pongo
  • Salir – to leave, to go out – salgo
  • Tener – to have – tengo
  • Venir – to come – vengo
  • Caer – to fall – caigo
  • Traer – to bring – traigo
  • Oír – to hear – oigo

In some cases, only the yo form changes, whereas some of these verbs are also irregular in other forms.

And did you notice that “go verbs” only include verbs ending in -ir and -er? There’s not an –ar verb to be found in this category!

What are Spanish 'Go Verbs'? (2)

3 Categories of Go Verbs

Spanish “go verbs” fall into three categories. Let’s go through them one by one. Nearly 80 Spanish verbs fall into this category in Spanish, but they’re all derived from the ones listed below.

1. Hacer Go Verbs

The verb hacer is one of the most frequently used “go verbs” in Spanish. We form the following “go verbs” using hacer with a prefix:

  • Rehacer – to redo
  • Deshacer – to undo
  • Contrahacer – to counterfeit
  • Satisfacer – to satisfy

Although these prefixes change the meaning of the main verb, the conjugation pattern remains the same as the root verb (hacer).

Example Sentences

Hago mis ejercicios en la tarde.
I’m doing my exercises in the afternoon.

Yo hago mi cama todas las mañanas.
I make my bed every morning.

PRO TIP! The subject yo is optional. It’s not necessary to use the subject in sentences in the first person, since the verb conjugation tells you who the subject is.

Como periodista, rehago mis artículos para que queden perfectos.
As a journalist, I rework my articles to make them perfect.

Yo deshago todo mi trabajo.
I undo all my work.

Contrahago una obra de arte.
I counterfeit a work of art.

Satisfa*go las necesidades de mis clientes.
I satisfy my customers’ needs.

2. +G Verbs

The second category of “go verbs” in Spanish are conjugated regularly in the present indicative, except for the first person conjugation (yo) form, where you must add a g before the suffix -o.

These verbs include:

  • Oír – to hear
  • Poner – to put
  • Salir – to leave, to go out
  • Tener – to have
  • Valer – to be worth
  • Venir – to come
  • Asir – to grasp

The verb poner conjugates to pongo, rather than pono in the first person simple present indicative. Likewise, it’s salgo (not salo) for salir.

Example Sentences

Oigo un ruido raro afuera en el patio.
I hear a strange noise outside in the garden.

Pongo lechuga, zanahoria y cebolla en la ensalada.
I’m putting lettuce, carrots and onions in the salad.

Salgo mañana con mis amigas.
I’m going out with my friends tomorrow.

Tengo tres perros peludos.
I have three furry dogs.

¿Cuánto valgo para la organización?
How much am I worth to the organisation?

Yo vengo de la oficina.
I’m coming (home) from the office.

Yo asgo las maletas.
I take the suitcases.

3. -igo Verbs

Lastly, for a few verbs including, we simply add -igo as the first person present tense verb ending. These Spanish verbs include:

  • Decir – to say
  • Caer – to fall
  • Traer – to bring

Example Sentences

Digo la verdad.
I’m telling the truth.

Yo digo lo que pienso es correcto.
I say what I think is right.

¡No caigo en esa trampa!
I’m not falling in that trap!

A veces me caigo bajando las escaleras.
I sometimes fall going downstairs.

Traigo pan de banano y té de menta.
I’m bringing banana bread and mint tea.

Yo traigo mi maleta al aeropuerto.
I bring my suitcase to the airport.

PRO TIP! The yo-go verbs also add the medial -g– (or -ig- when the root ends in a vowel) in the present subjunctive. For example: tener – tenga, decir – digas, venir – vengan, and hacer – hagamos.

What are Spanish 'Go Verbs'? (3)

Spanish Go Verbs Practice Quiz

Conjugate the verbs in parentheses in the simple present tense.

1. Yo ______ (tener) un dia libre mañana. (I have a free day tomorrow.)

2. Yo me ______ (caer) cuando llevo tacones. (I fall when I wear high heels.)

3. Yo ______ (poner) dos tazas en la mesa para nosotros. (I put two tea cups on the table for us.)

4. Yo ______ (traer) un regalo para el cumpleaños de mi hermana. (I bring a gift for my sister’s birthday.)

5. Zachary ______ (tener) problemas de salud. (Zachary has health problems.)

6. ¿Mi papá ______ (venir) con nosotros? (Is my father coming with us?)

7. La escultura ______ (valer) $1000. (The sculpture is worth $1000.)

8. Yo ______(salir) del trabajo a las 4 pm los martes. (I leave work at 4pm on Tuesdays.)

9. Yo ______ (oír) un ruido de ese cuarto. (I hear a noise from that room.)

10. Yo siempre ______ (hacer) una sopa para la cena. (I always make soup for dinner.)

Click here to see the answer key.

Go Further with Your Spanish Abilities!

You now have a great list of “go verbs” to get you started with speaking about yourself in the present tense. At Homeschool Spanish Academy, we offer 1-on-1 sessions for adults who need a tailored class to suit their language needs (as well as classes for kids and high schoolers). If you are looking for a native Spanish speaker to practice your new skills with, try a free trial class with one of our experienced, professional teachers! They will answer all your questions and help you skillfully move beyond the “go verbs” into more advanced Spanish territory.

Ready to learn more Spanish grammar? Check these out!

  • The Best Spanish Essay Writing Tools in 2023
  • From Singular to Plural: How To Make Spanish Sentences Plural
  • Spanish Grammar Exercises for Beginners with Answer Keys
  • 5 Essential Conjugation Charts for Improving Your Grammar Skills
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  • Connecting the Dots: Why Spanish Conjunctions Are Essential for Fluency
  • Llegar vs Llevar in Spanish: What’s the Difference?
  • 10 Essential Ways to Use “Que” in Spanish

Answer Key

1. Tengo

2. Caigo

3. Pongo

4. Traigo

5. Tiene

6. Viene

7. Vale

8. Salgo

9. Oigo

10. Hago

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Michelle Margaret Fajkus

Editor & Writer at Homeschool Spanish Academy

Michelle Margaret Fajkus is a bilingual writer and longtime yoga teacher. A former advertising copywriter turned bilingual elementary school teacher, she is now a freelance writer, editor and translator. A native Texan, Michelle has Mexican roots and learned Spanish in middle and high school. She has become more fluent thanks to living as an expat in Guatemala. She lives with her family on beautiful Lake Atitlan.

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What are Spanish 'Go Verbs'? (2024)


What are Spanish 'Go Verbs'? ›

Go is an irregular verb, and its past tense is went. I went to the mall yesterday.

What type of verb is go? ›

Go is an irregular verb, and its past tense is went. I went to the mall yesterday.

What are some yo go verbs? ›

Write your own sentence using each YOGO verb.
  • hacer - to do, to make. hago - yo form of hacer. ...
  • decir - to say, to tell. digo - yo form of decir. ...
  • poner - to put, to place, to set. pongo - yo form of poner. ...
  • salir. to leave, to exit, to go out. ...
  • traer - to bring. ...
  • venir (i-ie) - to come. ...
  • caer - to fall. ...
  • tener (i-ie) - to have.

What are the 10 most common Spanish verbs? ›

In order of frequency, they are: ser, estar, haber, poder, tener, hacer, decir, deber, ir, ver, parecer and dar. Similar to English, the conjugations of almost all of these most frequent verbs are irregular, which means they don't always follow normal conjugation rules.

What are the 3 verbs for go? ›

Conjugation of verb 'Go'
V1 Base Form (Infinitive):To Go
V2 Past Simple:Went
V3 Past Participle:Gone/Been
V4 3rd Person Singular:Goes
V5 Present Participle/Gerund:Going

What are the 2 3 forms of the verb go? ›

Basic Verb Form Conjugations
  • Base Form: go.
  • Past Simple: went.
  • Present Participle: going.
  • Past Participle: gone.
  • Gerund: going.
  • Infinitive: to go.
Nov 10, 2019

What is the simple verb of go? ›

The past participle of the verb “go” is “gone.” As an irregular verb, “go” doesn't form its past participle by adding the suffix “-ed.” The past simple form of “go” is “went.”

What activities is the verb to go? ›

Go is used with activities where the activity is in the -ing form. We went camping by the lake last summer. Other activities that take 'go' are: dancing, jogging, running, hiking, riding, swimming, cycling, climbing etc.

Why are they called go verbs in Spanish? ›

There are a number of Spanish verbs which are regular in the present tense in all but the first person singular. These are known as "g verbs" or "yo go verbs" because the first person singular requires an unexpected g and the conjugation then ends in -go.

Where does the verb go in Spanish? ›

In a Spanish sentence the verb comes before the subject, and the sentence takes the following form: object + verb + subject. On the contrary, in an English sentence, the verb comes after the subject. The English declarative sentence generally uses the following word order: subject + verb + object.

What is the Spanish verb to go out? ›

Salir is the Spanish verb for "to leave, to go out, to get out".

What are the 3 main verbs in Spanish? ›

First things first: there are three classes of Spanish verbs: -ar verbs, -er verbs, and -ir verbs.

How can I learn Spanish verbs easily? ›

The more exposure you get to the natural flow and rhythm of Spanish, the more verb conjugation will intuitively “sound right” to you as well.
  1. Start Drilling With The Most Common Tenses. ...
  2. Speak Spanish Every Day. ...
  3. Memorise Important Irregular Spanish Verbs. ...
  4. Practice, Practice, And More Practice.

What is a strong verb for go? ›

Strong Verbs: Go/Went Come/Came.

What is the verb after go? ›

It is very common to use a gerund after the verb "go". Remember that we form a gerund by adding "-ing" to the end of a verb (playing, eating, drinking, etc.). We use "go + gerund" to talk about hobbies or activities.

What is the 1st 2nd and 3rd form of verb go? ›

What is the V2 and V3 form of go? + The V2 and V3 form of go is “went“ and “gone”.

What is the first form of go? ›

V1 V2 V3 V4 V5 Form of Go
Base Form (V1)go
Past Form (V2)went
Past Participle Form (V3)gone
s / es/ ies (V4)goes
'ing' form (V5)going

What is the Old English word for go? ›

The past of Old Engl. gan “go” was eode, a word derived from a different root. In Middle English, went, the historical preterit of wend (as in wend one's way), superseded eode.

What is the negative form of the verb go? ›

I do not go. You do not go. We do not go. He/She/It does not go.

Where should a verb go in a sentence? ›

Verbs usually go immediately after subjects. There are mainly two kinds of verbs: auxiliary verbs and main verbs. A verb can consist of just one word. Affirmative sentences in the simple present and simple past tenses have one-word verbs.

What is the example of go to? ›

She is known as a go-to person on issues involving the environment and land use. It also has risen in status as the city's primary go-to station (or station of choice). After moving up to varsity, he instantly became the team's go-to guy and in three years, scored 862 career points in three years.

Which verb is most commonly used in Spanish? ›

Ser is considered the most used verb in the Spanish language. Verbs with an irregular conjugation pattern or with spelling changes in any of their tenses are in red .

Why is go a verb? ›

The verb go is an irregular verb in the English language (see English irregular verbs). It has a wide range of uses; its basic meaning is "to move from one place to another". Apart from the copular verb be, the verb go is the only English verb to have a suppletive past tense, namely went.

What is the Spanish verb to go back? ›

Volver and regresar are two Spanish verbs that mean “to return,” “to come back,” “to go back,” or “to be back.” Those are all accepted translations and both verbs express very similar ideas.

What does Vamos mean English? ›

One Spanish term that caught on with English speakers was vamos, which means "let's go." Cowpokes and dudes alike adopted the word, at first using a range of spellings and pronunciations that varied considerably in their proximity to the original Spanish form.

What does vamanos vamanos mean? ›

and vámonos. . Both of these words are used to mean let's go and they are both nosotros command forms of the verb ir. The difference is that vámonos is the command form with a pronoun attached. vámonos = vamos + nos (direct object pronoun in 1st person plural)

What is the Spanish verb to go up? ›

Spanish Verb SUBIR: to go up.

What is the verb for go for a walk in Spanish? ›

Translation of go for a walk in Spanish
to go for a walkpasear
to go for a walkpasear

What is the Spanish verb to say goodbye? ›

Despedir is a verb that means to say goodbye to and you can find out how to pronounce it here: When a friend leaves, Spanish-speaking people usually want to say goodbye to them properly.

What are the 50 most common Spanish verbs? ›

The 50 Most Common Spanish Verbs
12 more rows
Sep 26, 2012

What are 5 regular verbs in Spanish? ›

Regular -ar verbs in Spanish
  • Abandonar - to abandon.
  • Abrazar - to hug.
  • Averiguar - to find out.
  • Bailar - to dance.
  • Bañar - to bathe.
  • Caminar - to walk.
  • Cantar - to sing.
  • Causar - to cause.

What are the 16 verbs? ›

There are sixteen verbs used in Basic English. They are: be, do, have, come, go, see, seem, give, take, keep, make, put, send, say, let, get.

What are the 6 verbs in Spanish? ›

Common Spanish Verbs
  • Estar = To be.
  • Ser = To be.
  • Tener = To have.
  • Haber = To have (auxiliary verb)
  • Hacer = To do or make.
  • Ir = To go.
  • Venir = To come.
  • Decir = To say or tell.

Does Vosotros mean they? ›

Vosotros is used when an individual person or speaker is addressing a group of 2 or more people. Vosotros in English stands for “you” as the plural “you and others.”

How many Spanish verbs should I know? ›

“Assume that a language learner is aiming for 90% coverage in each of the four parts of speech that represent open classes — nouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs. This 90% figure will be obtained by knowing about 2600 nouns, 230 verbs, 980 adjectives, and 50 adverbs, or a total of about 3800 total forms.” ]

What is the hardest tense to learn in Spanish? ›

1. Subjunctive. This might be one of the hardest things to get. After being bombarded with tens of new tenses (in the indicative), you learn there's a whole other dimension of tenses called the subjuntivo.

What is the fastest to learn Spanish? ›

Speaking regularly is one of the fastest ways to learn Spanish without putting in too much effort. If you're not in Spain or Latin America, it can be difficult to find someone to practice speaking and comprehension with, but it's possible.

What are the 100 most used verbs in Spanish? ›

The 100 Most Used Spanish Verbs List
  • Ser Conjugation (To be)
  • Estar Conjugation (To be)
  • Haber Conjugation (To have)
  • Tener Conjugation (To have)
  • Venir Conjugation (To come)
  • Ir Conjugation (To go)
  • Dar Conjugation (To give)
  • Ver Conjugation (To see)

Is go a linking verb? ›

For example, a word like go, which has many senses as an action verb, functions as a linking verb connoting transition in a phrase like “the crowd went wild," since wild describes the condition of the crowd.

Is go a transitive verb? ›

Answer and Explanation:

"Go" is not a transitive verb: "go" does not require an object to present a completed idea.

Is go an action verb? ›

Here are examples of action verbs that refer to physical actions: ask, bend, climb, drive, eat, frolic, go, hang, inch, jiggle, kick, leap, mumble, nod, open, pull, quake, run, swim, tumble, unlock, vibrate, walk, yell, zip.

Is go a verb of movement? ›

Therefore, motion or movement verbs are those that we use to describe a particular action (to go, to walk, to crawl, to move, etc.).

Is the word go an imperative verb? ›

An example of a verb used in the imperative mood is the English phrase "Go." Such imperatives imply a second-person subject (you), but some other languages also have first- and third-person imperatives, with the meaning of "let's (do something)" or "let them (do something)" (the forms may alternatively be called ...

What are the 7 linking verbs? ›

Unlike action verbs, there is only a very short list of words that are true linking verbs. Interestingly these words are always linking verbs. Here is the list: Be, am, is, are, was, were, has been, any other form of the verb “be”, become, and seem.

What are 3 examples of linking verbs? ›

Am, is, are, was, were, seems, become, remain, grow, etc., are some examples of linking verbs.

Why are go verbs called go verbs? ›

These are known as "g verbs" or "yo go verbs" because the first person singular requires an unexpected g and the conjugation then ends in -go. Click on the links for conjugations, uses, idiomatic expressions, related verbs, and conjugation tests.

Is go an intransitive? ›

Some verbs, such as arrive, go, lie, sneeze, sit, and die, are always intransitive; it is impossible for a logical direct object to follow.

Is go a verb yes or no? ›

verb (used without object),went [went], gone [gawn, gon], go·ing. to move or proceed, especially to or from something: They're going by bus. to leave a place; depart: People were coming and going all the time.

Is go a dynamic verb? ›

Examples of dynamic verbs in English are 'to run', 'to hit', 'to intervene', 'to savour' and 'to go'.


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